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“We’re All In The Same Storm”

I was on a zoom meeting with clergy on Tuesday dealing with mental health and coping with these pandemic days. It was facilitated by Dr. Wanda Malcolm who provided us with thoughts and questions for reflection. She began with the statement “we’re all in the same storm”. However, she went on to recognize that “we’re all in different boats”. I personally found that insightful in affirming that although we’re all going through the same experience of Covid 19 on a macro scale, we all live with in the realities of our own individual lives, situations and experiences.

Scripture gives us many examples of individuals who faced literal storms that represent all the various stormy times we experience in our lives. The disciples of Jesus more than once found themselves on a stormy sea, thinking there was no hope. In the midst of those storms, they often neglected to recognize Jesus in their midst who could calm the waves and rescue them from their anxiety and fear. Read More.

Posted on: May 7th, 2021

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