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St. Paul’s Ministry of the Arts



We’re excited about the ministry of the arts that has developed at St. Paul’s. There is an innate link between the arts and spirituality that we wish to promote and encourage.

Our definition of spirituality is all encompassing and allows for the breadth and depth of how individuals interpret the very nature of “spirituality.” We desire to create an atmosphere where people can offer their gifts and talents in a way that brings to those attending an appreciation of the holy and sacred of the moment.

We also have a broad definition of what is included in the arts. We hope to include concerts, paintings, photography, dramatic readings, workshops on various topics of interest, and any other expression that is artistic in nature. What we see and hear in such programs encourages us to go deeper in ourselves to appreciate beauty. These experiences allow us the opportunity to be engaged with a sense of all that is holy and sacred beyond ourselves and our human experience of life.

We are partnering with musicians and artists from our local community, and  we hope this will be an opportunity for the whole community of Uxbridge to appreciate and encourage the presentation of the arts.

Cantorei Sine Nomine and Orchestra Symphionetta, both under the direction of Stuart Beaudoin, present concerts throughout the year at St. Paul’s around Remembrance Day, Christmas and Easter.

As well, Monday Morning Singers, One Voice and the Uxbridge Chamber Choir use St. Paul’s for their rehearsals and concerts.