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“To be continued”

I wonder, how many of us really enjoy a cliff hanger when we’re reading a book or watching a television program. And invariably many of the shows we watch end their series run with a cliff hanger that we then have to wait months until the outcome is revealed. Isn’t that what keeps us going back to the program or story though … we want to see how it ends, what happens to the characters, how the plot is resolved.

The gospel of St. Mark ends with the recounting of Jesus’ resurrection. The women go to the tomb and there is no body. Furthermore, it is revealed to them that He has been raised and that they are to go and tell the others what they have seen and heard. The original writing of Mark ends simply with the women fleeing from the tomb, filled with terror or amazement, not telling anyone because they were so afraid. Read More.

Posted on: April 30th, 2021

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