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Sciatica and Holy Week

Last Thursday in the evening, I developed a sudden case of sciatica. It was and is painful to say the least. I’ve had it before years ago; but one forgets as time goes on exactly how it feels and how it affects one’s mobility.

There is some poignancy for me that I am going through this during Holy Week. As I thought about it the pains I feel in my leg are nothing compared to what Jesus must have felt in his legs, the searing pain in his legs with the weight he carried. I also thought that as I struggle to walk, and perhaps stumble especially going up and down stairs, Jesus had even more that caused him to stumble upon the way of his walk through Jerusalem. The pain I feel and a compromised mobility has led me to reflect on all that Jesus must have felt and the very real pain Jesus endured on his way of suffering, passion and death on the cross. Read More.

Posted on: April 13th, 2022

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