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Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 am for a joyous worship experience with music, scripture, other inspired readings, a reflection, communion and prayers.

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I was hungry and you fed me

There is no doubt that Jesus had a soft spot in His heart for the poor who were so often the marginalized of society. It is clear that His ministry was to bring hope and compassion into the lives of so many who lived with the reality of poverty and hardships and stresses each day of their lives. The gospel of Jesus was meant to address their needs through faithfulness on the part of those who would become his followers. That includes us today through our baptisms and our baptismal identity expressed in our baptismal covenant.

The church, as the living body of Christ, has over the centuries been instrumental in recognizing the poor in its midst, and in responding faithfully to the needs they presented. That’s been true in times of war, during the depression and in our own day too. The church, because of who we are, and the one we follow, is called to see the opportunity that is prevalent around us to serve others as Christ has served us. And, although we don’t do it for this reason, we are blessed in the process as we make a difference and live out the compassionate ministry of Christ in what we are called to do. Read more.

Posted on: February 1st, 2023

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