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Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 am for a joyous worship experience with music, scripture, other inspired readings, a reflection, communion and prayers.

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Like many of you, I have been watching the news reports of the tragic shooting at a grocery store in Buffalo. We are horrified that someone could be so calculated and plan to follow through on such feelings of hate. The loss of these lives was so unnecessary and has left so many others who are now grieving a loss that is real. Their lives have been violated in that a place they went to as a regular part of their week doesn’t feel safe anymore. The loss on so many levels is real.

I want to cry out “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!” And when I do, it is a prayer that God will bring about justice, respect and dignity for all people. My prayer is that as a worldwide community, we will live out a love that is embodied in God’s Son Jesus Christ. I sometimes wonder how much more we can take. And in the midst of that, many people express how difficult it is to keep their faith. Read More.

Posted on: May 18th, 2022

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