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All I Need to Know I Learned on Vacation

There is no doubt that holidays are times to experience rest through a different kind of rhythm than we are used to day to day. It’s good to get out of our routines and simply accept the time we’re given as a gift. For me, this year especially, my time of vacation and holiday were restful, allowing me to slow down and free my mind from the things I have to think about and plan as I go about my ministry.

God knew our need for sabbath rest that would renew us in body, mind and spirit. It isn’t happenstance that in the creation story God rested on the seventh day. And God did that as an example and witness of what we all need. Jesus too know the need for sabbath rest and opportunities for renewal in his body, mind and spirit. I value and am grateful for the rest I experienced as I now come back to the routines of life and ministry that are a reality day to day, week to week and month to month. Read More.

Posted on: August 31st, 2022

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