Welcome to worship at St. Paul’s!
Worship at St. Paul’s
What to Expect
Greeters are at the entrance to our worship space to welcome you to St. Paul’s. If it would be helpful, they will give you a copy of our weekly bulletin. They can also answer some questions you may have, refer you to someone who can further assist or give instructions to a specific location.
Sit where you feel most comfortable. Before the service begins, music is played (the Prelude) as we’re encouraged to enter into a time of quiet prayer and reflection in preparation for our worship. Music is briefly played at the end of the service (the Postlude). You are most welcome to stay and enjoy before greeting others.
The service is projected onto the wall to the right of the altar; this includes the various prayers and scripture readings. The hymns are usually from the blue “Common Praise” hymn book and our also projected onto the wall.
We have listening devices for those who find it hard to hear. Please ask the sound technician at the back of the church and they can provide you with a set.
Generally, we stand when we sing hymns. When we pray, we either kneel, stand or sit. It is usual to stand for the reading of the Gospel and often the priest will say so.
The Gathering of the Community
There is an opening hymn, followed by prayers. We often sing a “Gloria” which is a song of praise to God.
The Scripture Readings
There are usually three scripture passages included in our Sunday worship service: the first reading is either from the Old Testament or another inspired writing. Next a psalm is sung either by a cantor with congregational response or as a hymn. And thirdly, the second reading is a Gospel from the New Testament, and is focused specifically on Jesus, His ministry and teachings.
The Sermon/Reflection
The sermon is the opportunity for reflection on the readings of the day and how they are relevant in our own time. They are meant to inspire, question, challenge and encourage us in our journey of faith. They can be part of a series related to a particular theme.
The Creed
We stand together as our response to having heard God’s Word and reflected on how it applies to our lives. This is a statement of faith we make together about who we are, and what we believe using either the words of the Apostles Creed or the Nicene Creed.
Prayers of the People
Prayers are offered by a member of the parish for the church, the world, governments, the sick and any in need. We also pray for particular needs that people have asked us to remember. And for things that are happening locally or internationally in the news.
Confession and Absolution
We confess that we don’t always live as God would want us to in our relationships with each other or those around us. We pray for forgiveness and ask for God’s help to be more faithful going forward. We then hear words of assurance that we are forgiven by God.
The Peace
God gives us peace as a gift that we are called to share with others around us. We share it with each other in the liturgy to remember that we are at peace with God and each other, and to hope that we will experience peace with those we encounter in our daily lives, too. We share the exchange of peace as we feel comfortable, usually by shaking hands with the greeting “the Peace of Christ.”
The Celebration of the Eucharist
As we sing a hymn, the altar is set for communion.
Since Covid we have not been passing the offering plate. The plate is at the back of the church as you enter. You are invited to give an offering that supports the ministry at St. Paul’s, our Diocese, across the Anglican Church of Canada and around the world, by using a visitor’s envelope in the pew. Be assured that if you’re not able to make an offering, we don’t expect it of you. We’re happy that you’re worshipping with us.
The prayer of great thanksgiving is when the priest blesses the bread and wine to be shared as we are fed with the bread of life and drink from the cup of salvation.
We pray the Lord’s prayer, the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples.
The bread is broken and the congregation is invited to the table.
At the time of communion, you’re invited to come forward to the altar rail to receive communion if you so desire. At St. Paul’s, all are welcome at the Lord’s table, whether you are from another church or no church.
Please stand or kneel, whichever is most comfortable and meaningful for you. You first receive the bread by holding out your hands to the one administering, and then the person administering the wine will come to you. If you don’t wish to drink from the common cup, you may place your hand on the base of the chalice as it’s offered to you. Communion in one kind (either the bread or the wine) is considered to be complete.
If you choose not to take communion, please feel free to still come to the altar, and cross your arms over your chest for a blessing.
Hand sanitizer is provided on the front row of seats if you wish to use it before receiving communion.
After communion, there are prayers of thanksgiving and a blessing. Following the closing hymn and dismissal, the worship is finished. We hope you’ll join us for a time of coffee, tea and fellowship together following the service.
Other Services
*The four weeks leading up to Christmas is called Advent. The forty days leading up to Easter is called Lent.
*Festival celebrations each year include Christmas, Easter, All Saint’s Day, the Feast of St. Paul and Pentecost.
*Please contact us about baptisms, weddings or funerals. We’re happy to journey with you through these important moments in your life.