In partnership with Trinity United Church, The Rev. Karen Hammond Coxall and I lead us in a worship liturgy celebrating Canada Day. We have much to be grateful as well as wrongs to confess and hopes to pray for. Join in this spiritual celebration of our 153 Anniversary of Confederation.\ If it is convenient, please […]
O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96: 1 I hope that these hymn sings provide opportunity for you to sing some of the hymns you enjoy. This week’s hymn sing includes “Take Up Your Cross” and “Seek Ye First”. As well we are grateful to […]
Join in this Sunday for our Online worship from St. Paul’s Anglican, Uxbridge as we celebrate our patronal festival, the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul. As we give thanks for the ministry and faith of St. Paul, we are reminded how we are to be faithful too in our vocation and ministry today. […]
This week we welcome our Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls as our guest preacher. She joins us as we join other churches ecumenically to observe this National Indigenous Day of prayer. Included are our prayers for continued healing and reconciliation. If you can, you are invited to join in the worship at 10:30 on Sunday so […]
O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96: 1 I hope that these hymn sings provide opportunity for you to sing some of the hymns you enjoy. This week’s hymn sing includes “My Life Flows on in Endless Song” and “Here I am Lord”. As well […]
Along with the Rev. Karen Hammond Coxall and the people of Trinity United Church, Uxbridge, we celebrate PRIDE together giving thanks for our diversity and the inclusion of all people. With special prayers for those in places of the world who are treated unjustly because of their sexuality. We welcome The Right Rev. Kevin Robertson, […]
O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96: 1 Given what has been happening in our world, with all the unrest, join in singing some of our favorite hymns about our call to work for justice, respect and dignity for all people. As a prayer for […]
Reflecting on Corpus Christi and the significance of the Eucharist in our sacramental life especially during these days of Covid 19 fasting from the table.
Join in celebrating the Feast of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier this Sunday, June 7 with prayers, hymns, scripture and a reflection. If you are able, join in worshiping at 1030 so that although socially isolated due to Covid 19 we can still be corporately together the body […]
O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96: 1 Join in singing some of our favorite hymns for Pentecost even as we are socially distanced from each other. As we continue celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit, we offer “Breathe on Me Breath of God”, […]