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Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 am for a joyous worship experience with music, scripture, other inspired readings, a reflection, communion and prayers.

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Festive Easter Online Liturgy

Alleluia, Christ is risen … Christ is risen indeed, Alleluia!!

Join us to celebrate the joy, hope and promise of Easter. Through the gift of joyous music, prayers, scripture and a reflection on what this day means to us as followers of the risen Christ, we gather together in worship on this most holy day even though we are socially isolated in our own homes and in front of our computer screens.

You are invited to enter into this liturgy on Sunday at 10:30 if it is convenient for you. In so doing, we will be worshiping together even as we can’t gather in our parish church. However, if that is not a convenient time for you, please do enter into this liturgy when you can to celebrate the gift, hope and promise of our Easter faith.


Posted on: April 16th, 2020

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