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Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 am for a joyous worship experience with music, scripture, other inspired readings, a reflection, communion and prayers.

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From Our Wardens

                                                                                                                              September 2024

As we reach the middle of September, the signs of summer are slowly fading, although by the temperatures this week, you wouldn’t know it.  September is the time when the year begins in earnest. Yes, the calendar year starts in January, but the rhythms of our lives seem to gear up in September and end in the relaxing months of summer. In September, there are always new things starting up and this year is no exception. Many have returned from their vacations, and we begin filling our calendars with our activities and the things that need to be done as we move into fall.

At St. Paul’s, last week saw our first coffee house sponsored by the Outreach Group, where we were treated to the music of Maggie and Gareth Anderson. With over 100 in attendance, we raised over $2,000 for our community suppers. We also moved into the 21st century by being able to sell tickets using our new Point of Sale device which allows us to accept debit and credit card payments. There are a few kinks to be worked out, but so far, so good. There was also a well-attended church maintenance event organized by Trevor which saw the grounds of the church and the rectory cleaned up. As this is an ongoing work, if you would like to help with this activity, please contact Trevor at to let him know you are interested.

We are pleased that Richard, our Interim Priest, has returned refreshed from seeing many wonderful plays at Stratford and we know that we will be enjoying his exciting messages in the months to come. As yet there is no word on a permanent incumbent, but the wheels of change grind slowly in this regard.

Here’s a question: If you were to meet people you wanted to invite to church … let’s say, young families or those in the prime of their lives … what would you say about St. Paul’s that would make them want to come? If we can’t think of anything that would draw them, then we have a problem. There are far too many other things competing for their attention and if we want to attract people, we will need to do things differently … and that means change.

If you have any ideas or comments, please speak to one of the Wardens. We would love to know what you think.

Gail, Siobhan, and Robin