Join Us This Sunday

Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 am for a joyous worship experience with music, scripture, other inspired readings, a reflection, communion and prayers.

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All Are Welcome

Welcome to St. Paul’s Church Uxbridge



We are an affirming congregation where everyone is welcome  – from the youngest to the oldest, from every background and including those who have no church affiliation.

Children’s voices are valued. Please, feel free to walk about with a restless child if that is helpful. Activities are also available at the back of the church for your child(ren). Since Covid, Sunday School has been suspended, but will be rescheduled as consistent needs arise.

We invite you to come when you are able. We’ll miss you when you’re not here, and look forward to seeing you again soon. Questions are encouraged. Please do not hesitate to ask if you need help navigating the service, or what you see in this sacred space. We are all here to help make your time comfortable and meaningful. Please be aware that our church is fully accessible with an elevator inside the side entrance.

Our regular Sunday Communion service is at 10:30 a.m. This service uses the more modern liturgies from “The Book of Alternative Services” and additional inspired writings and music.


LGBTQQ2S+ Affirming

St. Paul’s is a safe place where everyone is welcome and included. Join us for any activity and our worship experience on Sundays at 10:30 am.


At the time of communion, you’re invited to come forward to the altar rail to receive communion if you so desire. At St. Paul’s, all are welcome at the Lord’s table, whether you are from another church or no church.

Please stand or kneel, whichever is most comfortable and meaningful for you. You first receive the bread by holding out your hands to the one administering, and then the person administering the wine will come to you. If you don’t wish to drink from the common cup, you may place your hand on the base of the chalice as it’s offered to you. Communion in one kind (either the bread or the wine) is considered to be complete.

If you choose not to take communion, please feel free to still come to the altar, and cross your arms over your chest for a blessing.