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Who taught you about faith?

Throughout our lives, there are many individuals who influence our formation as people from our childhood to adulthood. That’s true of our faith and our practice of spirituality. There have been many people who have been influential in my formation as a follower of Jesus …

Who has been influential in your life of faith? Who taught you to pray?

Posted on: April 17th, 2020

4 Responses

  1. David Rehill says:

    – the Rev Michael David Lysack
    – while a seminarian at Huron College, Michael led prayer/meditation sessions for the Chapel community, of which I was a member.
    – he would joke that he was a closest Orthodox, while his brother, an Orthodox priest, was a closet Anglican.
    – I learned that prayer must be purposeful and patient

    • stpauls says:

      Huron College was and remains a place that nurtures individuals in their prayer lives. It was significant for me too.

  2. Dorothy Haines says:

    * My parents prayed with us daily. They prayed like they knew it would make a difference.
    * In Bible College, I had an extraordinary teacher who taught me what personal faith was.

    • stpauls says:

      It’s so often in our homes where our faith and spirituality begin to be formed … and then throughout our lives we have individuals who help us form our faith further. And really … isn’t it a lifelong journey. I am often enlightened in my faith by parishioners who teach me something or add a new insight I hadn’t thought of. Faith and spirituality grow in community.

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